The Serenity Prayer

This prayer, often repeated, is an originally untitled prayer by theologian Reinhold Niebuhr. It makes great sense to me, and whether you believe in God or not, I think it's a smart idea.

God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference


Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Never give up; you never know until you try.

This week, I'm sharing another MountainWings.  It's about we should question the status quo and not just follow along blindly, never questioning why things are the way they are.  I believe we need to question, now more than ever, because despite more technology, educational attainment, and more riches than ever before, we seem to have more problems than solutions.  Enjoy, everyone, this bit of food for thought, courtesy of MountainWings.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Have Some Tea

Never give up; you never know until you try.

There's a quote, attributed to several people, that compares people to tea bags, asserting that like teabags, we grow stronger in hot water and don't know how strong we are until we're in hot water.

I'm always telling people that they're stronger than they know, and I've had people say that to me during or after a crisis situation.  I guess when we're tunneled in, hunkered down, trying to navigate through something tough, we can be so in "survival mode" that we wonder if we're strong enough to meet the challenge. 

Henry David Thoreau is quoted as saying, "It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see."

I believe that, but I guess we've all been in places so scary that we not only didn't feel how strong we were, we didn't feel able to see anything except the issue we were trying to survive devolving into something even worse. 

Sometimes options are all around, and we're so caught up in fear, frustration, and/or fatigue that we miss them.  When that happens, stop and have a cup of tea.  Take a few deep breaths and ponder how much you're like the beverage you're drinking. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Speed and Pace-Setting, Courtesy of "Mountain Wings"

Never give up; you never know until you try.

As I've noted before, I subscribe to several e-mail devotionals.  "Mountain Wings" is one of them, and a recent one spoke to me so much that I thought I'd share it.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

To Read, or Not to Read

Never give up; you never know until you try.

You all know that I'm a voracious reader and that words captivate me.  I ran across a  quote from Mark Twain that struck me:

"The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read."
Reading opens doors you never dreamed possible.  It opens doors into worlds you didn't know existed.  Go have an adventure today!